Friday, October 10, 2008


Transformation: what is it? Is it important?

To me, transformation is all about changing one's habits & actions. Of course there are some who transform themselves into something better & others who get better at doing bad things.

Which one are you? Do you have a picture in your mind of what you want to see yourself becoming & that of your life, being transformed?

Let's talk images. When I think of transformation, I think of the caterpillar becoming a butterfly. What's the process? The caterpillar feeds itself until it's time to wrap itself in a cocoon, on the way to becoming a butterfly. In the cocoon, no doubt change is still taking place. Even when it is exiting the cocoon, change is still taking place. The end product is something that awes us & fills us with wonder at such a pretty sight.

Look at your life now. Do you want to become beautiful? (We're not talking superficial/outward beauty) Do you want to become a better living, breathing person? If yes, what are you doing to improve yourself? How are you working on your transformation? Or are you waiting patiently for others, external forces to change you?

For me, transformation is important. I believe that every year, month, week, day & hour is an opportunity to grow, to do things differently. Being a teacher, I change my method every term. The topics & lessons may remain the same but my method of teaching varies. I love doing this so that students can't share each other's work from year to year but also I, myself, don't want to become bored teaching the same things the same old way. As a result, I continue to enjoy what I do & take real pleasure in my students' work & projects.

Personally, I believe in bettering my character. I go to the Bible because it works for me. In fact, the Bible does speak on transformation too! I also use other inspiring books & devotionals to get me where I need to be. I love reading how people have accomplished much in their lifetime & try to learn lessons through their lives. Everyday must have something inspiring or encouraging for me.

I also believe in breaking the cycle. As I learn & grow & remember what I've been taught by my parents, I change the method of how I teach the very same lessons taught to me. Most lessons have been good but the method needs to change because of the ever-changing world we live in. So my daughter will learn the same lessons but in a different manner. I've already started doing it & seeing good results too :)

Don't forget that challenges lie in our paths. Are we going to make them into stepping stones to becoming transformed? Or are we going to be paralyzed by them? Remember the caterpillar may have had a tough time in the cocoon, that small enclosed space. Or even when the butterfly is emerging from the cocoon, there is a small opening at first & then the butterfly fights its way out.

Our challenges & obstacles are just that, a way for us to fight to stay on track & push towards our goals & dreams. Are you willing to fight? To stretch out to grasp what is yours?

If you are, I wish you all the best! You can do it! Go for it!

If not, I hope that someday (not too late though) that you will awaken to the strength that lies within your soul, mind & body.

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will." (Romans 12:2 NIV)

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