Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sometimes you just can't help but enjoy your job!

Today, I enjoyed my job to the max! It was the last official day of the term (yes, I'm a school teacher) & we (my co-form teacher & I) did a special package to end of our term & year with our form class.
I enjoyed putting together this package & I enjoyed seeing the students faces when they received them. It was worth all the hard work & we hope to top ourselves for our new form class next academic year.
I have come to realise that if every teacher were to put a bit more effort into their own classes & inspire & motivate them the world would be a better place. Yes, it is tiring! But I don't expect teachers to move mountains to see changes in our youths. One starts building bridges little by little & one will see the big picture taking shape before him/her.
Now, I agree it's hard & I know administrators love to put a wrench in new things, once they are not the ones with the ideas. But persevere my people, it's worth the battle in the end. Again, start small, then hit them with the big changes you want to implement.
Another challenge is the older teachers. They are so accustomed to the daily routine that when someone comes up to change it, it's an uphill battle for a new teacher. Again, I say persevere because each one of us can make a difference bit by bit. They will appreciate it eventually! It means of course that you have to stick to your guns for the long haul until they give way.
Parents may also fight you down but again, stick to your guns, use lots of diplomacy & watch as these wary parents eventually let you in & therefore change can be effected through them.
All that I've listed above, I have experienced & I repeat it is worth the battle when you see the change in your students. So my dear colleagues stand tall & bring your new ideas to the table & do not waver, for you will see the victory in your lifetime & that of your students as you hold strong.

1 comment:

Liseli said...

I only wish all the young teachers I know could read these encouraging words and I wish that more of them would keep on fighting the good fight.