Sunday, August 30, 2009

True Friends

What is friendship? Hmmmm.... Sometimes I feel like I need to re-define it time & again!

I thought friendship is where 2 or more persons get along despite each individual's strengths & weaknesses, good & bad points. A friend is there to pick one up when one is down, or simply just to listen. A friend offers a shoulder to cry on & is there despite the mistakes, missteps & wrong decisions. Friends don't get on your case but gently guides you back to where it's good for you. Friends are there when the winds rage around you. They don't choose the opportunity to attack you as well. In fact, a true friend will not attack!

As I re-define who gets to be part of my life, these thoughts come to the surface. I can't help but be disappointed when I look at those who I thought were my friends or that I naively thought we'd be friends for life. However, it hasn't been the case :(. In fact, I find myself simply cutting others off that are quite harmful or who take my kindnesses for granted or rather abuse me for it. I WILL NOT allow that anymore!

I know there's a lot to be said on this topic. I just wanted to get some of my thoughts out there. I guess it really boils down to who is worthy to be called my friend. I want people I can trust surround me & who will not take advantage of my kindness. I am genuine when I help others BUT when they turn around & backstab, I know that's not someone I want around me or my family.

So I'm doing some letting up my life...I know true friends will understand.