Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mommy Therapy

Mommy therapy?? What IS that? Well, I have my own definition of it. It's all about making the most of your time with your loved ones and enjoying it :)

I look at it as me relishing the times I get to spend time with my daughter, when it's just us. Most times I really do enjoy it. It's like everything else takes a backseat except for us together.

Being a mom is challenging in soooooooooo many ways but if one doesn't live in the moment, a lot of great moments are lost. When I spend time with my daughter I look at her and am amazed by her growth, physical and otherwise, her personality, her quick-thinking, her creativity and her sense of humour. She's really a joy to be around. Don't get me wrong, she has her moments BUT overall, I think she's growing up quite well.

As a mom, I love being able to take care of my family. I really enjoy those moments where I can provide a home-cooked meal and do some cleaning. Even though I may not enjoy those things all the time, I really appreciate the end results.

Every mom needs these times. More importantly, every mom needs to treasure those bonding times spent with her children. I think all housework need not be done in one day. The day should be sectioned out that some housework gets done and more importantly, time with one's children, just doing stuff that they may want you to do with them.

Of course, I only have one child and therefore it may be easier for me to get it done, but who's to say it cannot be done in larger families where there's 2 or more kids. It just means the planning needs to be worked out better ;). Hey, I'm no 'perfect, organized to a tee' mom but my point is if one understands the importance of such times, it can and will be done. As the saying goes, "where there's a will, there's a way". Some may just have to look harder to find the way.

Bottomline: I love these times at home with my daughter. It's really a great opportunity for us to bond :D

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Loving butterflies ;)

Well, by now you should realise that I LOVE butterflies!! Hmmm....I can't remember when my fascination started but all I know is that I love what it is and what it represents.

First of all, a butterfly's lifespan is rather short, ranging from a few months to a year or two, depending on the species. I'm fascinated that it starts, in my eyes, as a little bug that transforms into a creature of beauty and majesty. Think about it! It starts off as a caterpillar that eats through all leaves that they can find, gets really fat, goes into a cocoon for hibernation and presto, a beautiful butterfly emerges. And the cycle repeats itself.

During a butterfly's short life what happens? Well, it looks for its mate and in so doing help with the pollination process, that continues the life cycle of plants and flowers. Short, sweet but quite purposeful! And this is what God created it to be :)

So are you going through any trials? Do you think the lessons that you learn from them will make you a better person? Do you see yourself transforming to be a better person? And what about your purpose? What are your gifts? Do you have any influence on anyone? What are these influences? Hmmmm....sounds like some things to ponder.

And who knows, just maybe you are living the life of a butterfy and you just don't know it ;)
By the way, butterflies represent freedom as well ;)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I just had to write about what I studied today!! I mean it was just too funny!! God is funny!! I do so love His sense of humour :)

Well, I am studying another book too at the same time as I'm studying the one mentioned in my previous blog. This one is entitled "And The Angels Were Silent" by Max Lucado. Basically, Max walks with Jesus on his journey to the town where he is arrested and crucified. He shares or rather highlights some of Jesus experiences and interactions along the way. Quite inspirational, I must add :)

I just finished Chapter 9 'Courage To Dream'. It highlights the fact that God wants us to fly, to go for our dreams. And Max mentions an incident where Jesus told a fig tree to shrivel up because it wasn't bearing fruit. And Max emphasizes that Jesus wasn't angry at the tree but that it wasn't fulfilling its purpose, which was to bear fruit. Max also went on to liken this response to how God feels when the church is lukewarm or when the church focuses more on putting on a show and ignores the service. Hmmmm...very interesting,huh? Somestimes we are so wrapped up in our presentation that we don't do what we need to do with the right heart.

Max went on to say, and I quote, "In fact, when Jesus said, "You will be able to say to this mountain, 'Go, fall into the sea,'" he was probably looking up from the Kidron Valley to the Temple Mount-the temple known to many as Mount Zion. If that is the case, you have reason to smile as Jesus tells you what to do with the church that tries to cage your flight, "Tell it to jump into the lake." " , end quote. Do I dare say anymore after such a quote? For sure!!

I believe as a human being I DO have the right to speak out and share my opinions. Whether they are right or wrong, the right is that they CAN be shared. And I think I should be afforded a hearing. Yet, again, I've come out from a situation where this was not really possible: i.e. to air one's opinions. On the surface it seems so but start questioning a position/ a thought or an action and efforts are made to quell you, to quiet you, to shut your mouth. And I say to all who do that : GOD WILL DEAL WITH SUCH PERSONS & ORGANISATIONS!!

NO ONE should curtail my freedom or attempt to 'destroy' my dreams just because it may not go with 'their' plan or vision for my life. I tell you since I've freed myself, I 've felt so much happier and many blessings have come my way and the way of my family. To God I give the glory!! Thanks to Him, my dreams have been revived and opportunities are presenting themselves.